Algae Problems|Is There Too Much Algae?|Rochester|New York|NY |
The pond we didn’t supplemental pond bacteria to was clear, but not like the other, and the sludge build up was significantly visible on the rocks in this pond. The pond did go through a 7-10 day spring green water phase and the filter took about 8 weeks to cycle. (Big difference) The fish looked healthy and were active, but less active, but not as visible or vibrant as those in the pond with consistent pond bacteria additions(“stuff”). |
Read Acorn Ponds Info About Our Bacteria Dosing System
The Bacteria Dosing System
Have you ever forgotten to add your water treatments to your backyard pond only to be reminded by an abundance of algae growth? The Aquascape Automatic Dosing System will help keep your water feature looking great all year long! |
*Just Because We Added Some Liquid Bacteria To The Pond???
Adding beneficial pond bacteria is a way of supplementing and keeping pond bacteria levels steady so the bacteria are consistently keeping up with the ammonia and fish waste levels. This is somewhat similar to us taking vitamin supplements for our bodies in an effort to keep our vitamin levels consistent.
Adding beneficial pond bacteria eliminates high and low bacteria level swings which provides us with a cleaner and clearer pond, as well as a healthier environment for our fishfriends.
Acorn Ponds & Waterfalls is Western New York's including Pittsford, Fairport, Webster & beyond premier water garden and koi pond contractor. Building, maintaining, and helping customers with their ponds is our passion, hobby, and most of all fun and rewarding.
We take great pride in our attention to detail and careful planning from the design process throughout the construction of any water feature you can dream up. Beyond construction of your water feature, we also specialize in the maintenance of anything and everything related to waterscapes. Our vast knowledge of koi and pond fish will always be at your fingertips, whenever you need help.
Keep Your Pond Looking Great With Pond Maintenance Services By Acorn Ponds & Waterfalls Of Rochester New York (NY) Call Us 585-442-6373
Top 10 Features To Add To Your Pond|Rochester New York|NY|Acorn Ponds
1. Fountain
2. Water Lily
Go ahead and splurge on a beautiful water lily. Not only will it add gorgeous color to your pond, but the lily pads help shade the pond and give your fish a place to hide from predators. Available in hardy and tropical varieties, you'll find an endless assortment of water lilies. |
3. Lighting
Underwater lights at the edges of the pond reflect off the fish as they swim by. Set your lights on a timer so you never have to worry about turning them off and on.
4. Fish
Adding fish to your pond is a great way to enhance the water featurelifestyle. You'll enjoy feeding them at the pond's edge and will feel the stress melt away as you watch them swim about. Why do you think so many doctors' offices have aquariums? To help you relax! If you already have fish, consider adding a pond fish that's currently not a part of your pond habitat. |
5. Adjustable Flow Pump
An adjustable flow pump with a remote control lets you turn the volume of your waterfalls up or down! Want a quiet dinner by the pond? Keep the volume low. Having a large party? Turn up the flow to create your "party waterfalls!" You don't even have to get up out of your Adirondack chair to change the mood! |
6. Spitter
7. Ionizer System
Everyone wants an algae-free pond and the IonGen electronic algae controller effectively kills algae without the use of traditional liquid chemicals. You can purchase the IonGen and install it yourself, or hire Acorn Ponds to do it for you! |
8. Floating Pond Plants
9. Automatic Dosing System
The Automatic Dosing Systemis a brand new product for ponds and we had to add it to our list of must-haves! The system accurately and consistently applies your choice of water treatment throughout the pond season. You'll no longer need to hassle with the guesswork or routine of adding water treatments to yourpond or fountain. We think you're gonna love it! |
10. Waterfall
It might not seem possible, but not everyone includes a waterfall when they build a pond, but there's no reason it can't be added later on. Waterfalls provide valuable aeration to your water feature while creating the soothing sound of running water. If you already have a waterfall, consider adding a second, smaller one for added interest. If you like to build with rock, you can also tweak your existing waterfall, creating new sounds for the summer. |
Have Your Pond Professionally Built & Maintained By Acorn Ponds & Waterfalls Of Rochester (NY) (585) 442-6373
Spring Pond Maintenance|Tips For A Clear Pond|Rochester|New York|NY
Some changes that are taking place, however, aren’t so desirable, like that excess algae growth that you’ve noticing. Understanding the transition that your pond makes from winter into spring and summer is essential in maintaining a healthy pond ecosystem.
Some simple, important steps can be the difference between a balanced pond with minimal maintenance and a pond that requires unnecessary maintenance. Although bacteria and plants don’t start growing properly until water temperature reaches 55°F, there are still some simple steps you can take to maintain a crystal clear, trouble-free pond.
1) The Plants

Place your floating plants, such as water lettuce, in your BioFalls Filter. These floating plants reproduce rapidly, using up enormous amounts of nutrients. A stick placed across the front of the BioFalls Filter will prevent the plants from flowing over the front of the waterfalls and into the pond.
Plenty of bog and marginal plants should be added to the pond. Plants such ascattails and iris take up large quantities of nutrients. They are hardy and will be back each spring to help keep your pond balanced.
Cover the water surface of the pond by planting waterlilies. Lily pads float on the top of the pond, shading the water.
2) The Bacteria
Bacteria contains bacteria and enzymes that are specifically blended to be effective at reducing sludge, uneaten fish food, fish waste, dead and decaying plant material, and excess nutrients that cause poor water quality and clarity. Blended and tested to produce maximum results in ornamental ponds. |
Automatic Dosing System
The more surface area available for bacteria to grow, the more efficient your biological filter. Providing crystal clear water quality creates less problems, thereby lessening maintenance, which leaves more time to enjoy the pond and less time spent maintaining it. |
3) The Fish

Their metabolism is still in slow motion and they are unable to digest the food properly.
If you do feed them and food cannot be digested, this can result in food starting to decay in the body of the fish causing fish to become sick and possibly resulting in their death.
When you do start feeding them, begin with small amounts of a quality fish food formulated for colder water temperature, such as Aquascape Premium Coldwater Fish Food Pellets for all pond fish.
4) Patience Please.....
We Recommend Fully Draining & Cleaning Your Koi Fish Pond At Least Once Every Year Acorn Ponds & Waterfalls Can Help You, Call Us 585-442-6373
Other Helpful Pond Info Links:
Pond Sludge|Muck|Removal|Cleaning|Services|Rochester|New York|NY|Near Me
Sludge or muck is merely the organic waste of plants and animals that accumulates at the bottom of every pond. If you don't drain & clean your pond every year, the buildup of sludge can be overwhelming making it more difficult to get rid of. Sludge & muck buildup can lead to more pond problems as well as be detrimental or harmful to the health of your koi fish. |
The quickest way to get rid of the muck & sludge is to physically remove it. The pond must be pumped all the way down to the bottom and the muck can be removed with buckets, shovels, vacuums & power washers. There are chemicals available to aid in the removal of light muck buildup but will take time & patience working with the different products. |
How To Keep Muck & Sludge Under Control
- Keep your pond clear of organic materials such as leaves, sticks & twigs.
- Cut back aquatic pond plants in the fall.
- Add beneficial bacteria to your pond regularly.
- Drain & clean your pond at least once a year.
- Install a waterfall filter in your pond.
- Install a skimmer in your pond.
- Use aeration when needed in the summer.
- Don't overstock your pond with fish, koi & goldfish.
Have Your Pond Professionally Built & Maintained By Acorn Ponds & Waterfalls Of Rochester New York (NY) (585) 442-6373

Beneficial Bacteria||Pond Water Treatments|Maintenance|Rochester NY
Fall Pond Water Treatments
Continue to add beneficial bacteria to your pond until you begin to see ice form on the surface.
If you have questions or need help with the maintenance of your ornamental or backyard goldfish pond and you live near Rochester, Monroe County, NY call 585.442.6373 or Contact us Now!
Acorn Ponds & Waterfalls Offering Pond Maintenance Services & Landscape Ideas For Rochester, Monroe County, NY

Acorn Ponds & Waterfalls Pond Maintenance Service Areas:
Rochester, Monroe County, New York, NY Pittsford, Penfield, Brighton, Fairport, Irondequoit, Perinton, Victor, Mendon, Webster, Greece, Chili, Scottsville, Bushnell's Basin, Rush, Henrietta, North Greece, East Henrietta, West Henrietta, East Rochester, Bloomfield, West Webster, North Gates, Honeyoye Falls, Gates Chili, Bergen, Palmyra, Charlotte, Palma, North Chili, NY, Near Me
Fall Pond Water Treatments Acorn Ponds & Waterfalls Can Help You, Call Us 585-442-6373
Demand The Best, Have It Installed Right...
The First Time!
10 Tips For Fall Pond Care|Rochester|New York|NY|Acorn Ponds & Waterfalls
What Should I Do With My Pond In The Winter?
Gardeners across the country take precautions to protect their landscapes from the harsh reality of winter. Water features in the landscape require special consideration when putting your pond to bed for a long winter's nap. For Rochester, Monroe County NY pond owners, Pond maintenance chores in the fall and winter are not that difficult but are important to ensure the health of your ecosystem water garden.
Here are some basic guidelines to help your aquatic plants and finned friends weather the chill of Mother Nature. Acorn Ponds & Waterfalls can help you with these fall pond maintenance and winter preparation tasks if you live in the Rochester, Monroe County New York (NY) area. Be sure to contact us early to ensure a spot on our schedule.
- Decaying leaves and foliage produce toxic gases that can harm your fish so you want to remove this debris before winter rolls into town. You don't need to remove every single last leaf, but try to remove the majority.
- If you put protective pond netting over your pond before the leaves started to fall, your job is easy. Carefully roll up the net and discard the leaves that were caught.
- If you didn't use a net over the surface of your pond, you'll need to remove the build-up of leaves from the bottom of the pond. Use a long handled pond net to scoop them out.
- Check yourskimmer basket and remove any leaves that are still caught inside.
- Add Cold Water Beneficial Bacteria to the pond once the temperature drops below 50 degrees. Use twice weekly for two weeks, and then once per week until the water starts to freeze.
- Stop fertilizing your aquatic plants after the first frost.
- Trim back hardy marginal aquatic plants to 2" above the water to keep the dead foliage from drooping over into the pond.
- Trim back waterlily leaves and stems to 2-3" above the base of the plant. This keeps dead foliage from decomposing in the pond.
- If you left hardy waterlilies in their pot, drop them into the deepest part of the pond to over-winter. Do not bring them indoors as they need a period of dormancy.
- Bring tropical waterlilies indoors if you want to over-winter them. Keep the pot in 50-degree water or take them out of the pot and store in sand. Be advised, even trained horticulturists lose a lot oftropical waterlilies when storing them indoors, so you might simply want to treat them as annuals.
- Once temperatures drop to 50 degrees, stop feeding your fish. They need to get ready to hibernate and you'll want to avoid any metabolic complications. You can feed them Cold Water Fish Food until the temperature drops below 50 degrees.
Acorn Ponds & Waterfalls Can Help You With Fall Pond Maintenance & Winter Preparation, Call Us 585-442-6373
Acorn Ponds & Waterfalls Offering Fall Pond Maintenance Services & Landscape Ideas For Rochester, Monroe County, NY
Looking for Fall Pond Maintenance or Landscape Ideas In Greece, NY? If you don't see your town below, give us a call 585.442.6373 Acorn Ponds & Waterfalls Fall Pond Maintenance Service Areas: Rochester, Monroe County, New York, NY Pittsford, Penfield, Brighton, Fairport, Irondequoit, Perinton, Victor, Mendon, Webster, Greece, Chili, Scottsville, Bushnell's Basin, Rush, Henrietta, North Greece, East Henrietta, West Henrietta, East Rochester, Bloomfield, West Webster, North Gates, Honeyoye Falls, Gates Chili, Bergen, Palmyra, Charlotte, Palma, North Chili, NY |
Pond Service|Review|Rochester New York|NY
Click here to see review on Houzz
Project Date: May 2015
Project Price Range: $1,000-$9,999
I hired Tom after interviewing a few companies regarding my existing two-tiered pond with waterfall that had become overgrown with algae and a maintenance nightmare. Most companies offered a maintenance program to clean periodically as the solution, but Tom offered a solution that required limited maintenance.
While the other solutions would have been less costly they didn't get to the root of the problem and were more of a Band-Aid approach. Tom's Aquascape solution made more sense to me in that it included an ionizer, beneficial bacteria doser, skimmer and BOG filtration system. I did question the cost of his solution during the process, but now feel I received fair value for the solution he brought to the table. It has been 2 months since he completed his work and I'm very pleased with the results. The ionizer after finding the correct setting and beneficial bacteria dozer has kept 95+% of the algae away. I get the occasional string of algae that is easy enough to rake out and allows me to see and enjoy the beautiful Koi that I have.
The skimmer has trapped all the debris that falls into the pond after the last few windy months that would have settled on the bottom. While I am grateful for all that and it has truly allowed me to enjoy my pond again, my favorite thing Tom did was install the BOG filtration system, as it has turned the second tier of my pond into a thing of beauty with the incredible plants he put up there. I know that the filtration system is also helping with the algae problems I had, but I really didn't expect to enjoy the beautiful plants up there that give the whole pond a softer look than just looking at a lot of rocks. I also want to communicate that Tom kept his commitments in regards to the timing of the project and has been available if I have any questions.
Even when I don't have questions he has followed up multiple times to make sure everything is going well and to see if I needed anything. All in all, Tom and his guys surpassed my expectations and I would highly recommend working with him and his company.
Have Your New Water Feature Or Backyard Pond Professionally Installed By Acorn Ponds & Waterfalls Of Rochester New York (NY)
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UV Clarifier| Green Pond Water| Rochester New York|NY
UV Clarifiers/Sterilizers For Ponds
A well balanced pond with aquatic plants, fish and filtration system rarely will have this problem but when you have tried everything else, or you do not have an ecosystem pond and you want to be able to see your fish again and clear up the green water, the UV Light Clarifiers/ Sterilizers are the way to go.

You ask some people and they say they are bad, you ask others and they say that they are good. Who is right? The truth is they are both right.
The general conception is that they do the same thing but this is far from the truth. Technically, UV clarifiers and UV sterilizers are the same thing in that they both contain all of the same parts, but where they differ is what they are used for.
UV Clarifier/Sterilizers 101
So what does this mean? The particular wavelength of light that the bulb emits is harmful when it comes in contact with things around it. So when organisms such as bacteria, parasitic protozoa, and algae cells come in contact with the light from the bulb, their DNA is altered, ultimately causing harm and death to the organism. In essence, they are “nuked.”
Generally, bacteria and algae are pretty sensitive to UV light, and a short exposure is all it takes to “nuke” them. This would be a good job for a UV clarifier. Parasitic protozoa, like ich and costia, require a longer exposure time so the water would need to flow more slowly through the UV light, so a sterilizer is needed.
The longer the organism is exposed to the light, the more damage is done to it and that’s where the main difference between clarifiers and sterilizers lies – how quickly the water flows past the bulb, or how long the water and the organisms are exposed to the light.
Now let’s talk about things that affect the efficiency of the bulb. Generally speaking, although the bulb may still emit light, it is only effective at killing algae for about 8 to 12 months.
The cleanliness of the water and of the crystal sleeve also influence the effectiveness of the bulb - the dirtier the water and sleeve, the less the UV light will be able to come into contact with the nuisance organisms. To prevent sludge and lime build up, the sleeve can be cleaned with a mild detergent, followed by a rinse of clean water.
How They Work
Sterilizer VS. Clarifier
A well-balanced pond ecosystem rarely has problems with green water, but any water feature, when out of balance, might require you to resort to artificial means to control algae blooms.
This is where UV clarifiers come in handy. Their main purpose is to clear the water and get rid of those nasty algae blooms that cause green water. But remember, UV clarifiers only get rid of the single-celled, floating algae. It does not get rid of other forms of algae such as string or blanket algae.
UV Sterilizers

To accomplish this, they need to have a longer contact time with the water. Sterilizers require extremely slow flow rates compared to clarifiers. So, if you want to make sure you zap everything in your pond, then this is the way to go.
You also should be aware that UV sterilizers cannot be used with certain medication applications because in addition to the effect it has on bacteria and parasites, it can have a similar effect on the makeup of certain medications, often times rendering them useless. So a good rule of thumb is that the sterilizer be removed or turned off when medicating.
Where do these fit with the general hobbyist? A lot of hobbyists use sterilizers on a smaller scale, in the 9 to 24 watt range, in their own quarantine tanks. Whether you choose a UV clarifier or sterilizer, it should be installed in-line after the skimmer or other mechanical filter, pre-filtering the water to keep the unit from coming in contact with heavy debris.
For Installation of your UV sterilizer or clarifier, we need to know two things to help decide which unit is appropriate for your pond – approximately, how many gallons of water does your pond hold and what do you want the UV to accomplish? Clarifiers and sterilizers definitely have their place in the hobby, but they are only helpful when used in the correct application. Knowing when and how to use them can save you from a lot of headaches and let downs that result from improper application. Certified Aquascape Contractor of Rochester, NY can help you with the installation of a UV Clarifier/Sterilizer, contact us today!
Acorn Ponds & Waterfalls Offers Rochester, Monroe County, NY- Pond Filtration Installations Services & Landscaping Ideas

Acorn Ponds & Waterfalls Pond Filtration Service Areas:
Rochester, Monroe County, New York, NY Pittsford, Penfield, Brighton, Fairport, Irondequoit, Perinton, Victor, Mendon, Webster, Greece, Chili, Scottsville, Bushnell's Basin, Rush, Henrietta, North Greece, East Henrietta, West Henrietta, East Rochester, Bloomfield, West Webster, North Gates, Honeyoye Falls, Gates Chili, Bergen, Palmyra, Charlotte, Palma, North Chili, NY, Near Me
Keep Your Pond Looking Great With Pond Maintenance Services By Acorn Ponds & Waterfalls Of Rochester New York (NY)
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When Your Pond Begins To Thaw |Rochester|New York|NY|Acorn Ponds & Waterfalls
Spring Pond Maintenance & Cleaning Tips For Rochester, Monroe County (NY) Pond Owners
Depending on where you live in Rochester, Monroe County, NY, your backyard pond might be showing the first signs of thawing … or it may be another week or two before that happens. No matter your geographic location, if you are in Rochester NY or Pittsford, Brighton, Fairport, Webster or beyond in the Monroe County (NY) area here are some tips to follow when your pond begins to thaw. |
Depending on what type of pump you are operating, it is also a good idea to remove the impeller and clean inside the impeller opening. Most pumps that don’t start immediately in the spring can be easily fixed with a good cleaning. If the pump doesn’t run right away it can be soaked overnight in a mild, acid-like white vinegar or CLR. Rinse off the pump and it should be ready for operation. Remember … never to run the pump dry. It must be submersed! |
- Remove any leaves and debris left over from the previous season.
- Contact Acorn Ponds & Waterfalls to get on our spring Pond Cleaningschedule early. Space is limited before we our start pond constructionseason in the Rochester, Monroe County (NY) area.
- It may also be a good time to do a partial water change or complete pond cleaning. Make sure to condition tap water with Aquascape Pond Detoxifier which makes tap-water safe for fish and plants.
- Time to get the pond running; if you have removed your pump for the winter, simply make sure it is clean and ready for operation. If your pump has been left in the pond over the winter months, it’s probably due for a good cleaning. Remove any debris surrounding the pump and also clean the impeller.
- While your pond is running, check for any leaks or repairs it may need.
Don’t worry if you see a lot of unwanted string algae as it’s normal to have string algae in the spring. Unfortunately there’s nothing utilizing nutrients being produced by decaying organics and/or fish populations. Don’t panic! Plants will soon start to grow and beneficial bacteria populations will quickly reestablish themselves taking care of excess nutrients. |
Coldwater Beneficial Bacteria can be added all winter as it has specially formulated strains of bacteria that work in cold water temperatures up to 60°F, with a peak performance between temperatures of 35°F to-40°F. Once temperatures are above 60°F you can transition over to Aquascape Beneficial Bacteria for Ponds, dry or liquid. |
Call Acorn Now! 585-442-6373 For Spring Pond Cleaning & Maintenance Services In Rochester (NY)
The Key To Clean Water For Fish Ponds In The Rochester, NY Area
Maintaining Water Quality
Most Rochester, Monroe County New York (NY) water gardeners are aware of the importance good quality water plays in a pond habitat. Not knowing how to get or keep water quality can prove challenging to some pond owners. Your water may be perfectly clear, but your fish may not be acting like you’re used to seeing, which can tip you off that something might be a little off in your pond’s water. Before you make any rash decisions on treating your water garden, ask yourself the following questions: |
How Many Fish Should Be In My Pond?
How Much Do I Feed My Fish?No more than once per day is recommended and no more than your fish can eat in 2 to 3 minutes (if you have an ecosystem pond with plants) – then remove all excess, leftover food. |
How Many Plants Should I Have?
What Water Treatments Should I Use?
At Acorn Ponds we use only Aquascape water treatments because we know they work. Acorn highly recommends adding beneficial bacteria to you pond or water garden regularly to keep it looking it's best. |
How Do I Know If My Pump Is The Correct Size For My Pond?
What Does It Mean If There Is A Lot Of Decaying Debris On The Bottom Of My Pond?
Decaying debris, combined with fish waste and leftover fish food, can cause ammonia levels to spike in your pond. Clean out your pond and add beneficial microbes such as Aquascape’s Beneficial Bacteria to help keep it that way. |
What Type Of Filtration Should I Have?
How Often Should I Clean My Filter?
Most filters need to be cleaned no more than once or twice per year. Refer to manufacturer’s instructions for details on your specific filter type. Filters in your pond skimmer can be cleaned more frequently to remove fish waste and debris in the net. Biofalls filter media only needs to be cleaned in the spring during spring pond maintenance and can be cleaned again late summer by Acorn Ponds & Waterfalls of Rochester, Monroe County, NY. We always recommend cleaning all filter media for winter storage. |
What Should My Pond's Water Temperature Be?
Water exceeding 75º F has a more difficult time retaining acceptable levels of dissolved oxygen. This is why it’s important to have your pond shaded by aquatic plants, which should provide shade cover to 40% to 60% of the surface area of your pond. It’s also why you need adequate circulation in your pond. |
Acorn Ponds & Waterfalls Offering Fish Pond Installation Services &
Landscape Design Ideas-Rochester, Monroe County, NY
Looking for Fish Pond Installation Services or Landscape Design Ideas In Webster, NY? If you don't see your town below, give us a call 585.442.6373Acorn Ponds & Waterfalls Pond Installation Service Areas: Rochester, Monroe County, New York, NY Pittsford, Penfield, Brighton, Fairport, Irondequoit, Perinton, Victor, Mendon, Webster, Greece, Chili, Scottsville, Bushnell's Basin, Rush, Henrietta, North Greece, East Henrietta, West Henrietta, East Rochester, Bloomfield, West Webster, North Gates, Honeyoye Falls, Gates Chili, Bergen, Palmyra, Charlotte, Palma, North Chili, NY |
Maintain Your Fish Pond Water Quality And Call Acorn Ponds & Waterfalls In Rochester New York (NY) 585-442-6373
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Landscape Designer / Pond Contractor, Tom Warmerdam has been designing, installing & maintaining koi ponds, water features, patios, landscape lighting & creating outdoor living area paradises all around Rochester, New York (NY) for over 30 years. His company Acorn Ponds & Waterfalls was awarded by Aquascape Inc. as one of the top 100 in North America in 2014. He has been attending conferences at Aquascape headquarters every year since 2004 in Chicago, Ill to maintain his Certification(Certified Aquascape Contractor) status.
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