Which Fish Species Can I Add To My Backyard Pond Near Rochester New York (NY) |
It’s mid-December and most of Rochester, Monroe County New York (NY) is covered in snow. Many of us are seeking refuge by drinking hot chocolate and watching football curled under comfy blankets. At the same time, our thoughts turn to warmer days and dreams of dangling our feet in our wondrous water gardens as we listen to the birds sing and watch toads and turtles sun themselves on the pond rocks. | Cabin Fever |
Winter is a great time to dig out water gardening books and start planning new things for this year’s water garden. Much like veggie gardeners turn to seed catalogs for the upcoming growing season, water gardeners delight in planning the addition of new fish and plants for the pond. |
Add a New Waterfall
Most pond owners install a water garden in their landscape so they can enjoy the sound of running water. Chances are you have a waterfall to create this soothing sound, but why stop at just one? Aquascape has made it easy to add a waterfall to your existing pond with the creation of its new Waterfall Spillway. Designed specifically to retrofit into existing features, the waterfall spillway makes it easy to add multiple waterfalls to your feature. |
Introduce Finned Friends

Children love to feed them, cats and dogs enjoy watching them, and you’ll enjoy being greeted by them every time you visit your pond.
Splurge on Plants
New varieties of waterlilies become available every year and some are simply downright breathtaking. Look into adding some tropical water lilies for extra color & extended bloom time. You might also want to try your “blue thumb” at growing the lovely lotus. This majestic plant becomes the focal point of any water garden and can also be grown in aquatic containers placed on a sunny porch or patio. |
Create Interest With a Fountain
A variety of fountains and spitters are available for adding a new dimension to your water garden. Whether you choose a stylized patio pond or charming resin frog spitter, there’s a decorative option for every budget and taste. Not only do fountains and spitters add a whimsical or elegant touch to the waterscape, but they also help provide delightful sounds in the garden and help to keep the water moving. Turn Your Dreams Into a Reality |
Plenty of inspiration abounds to help you plan now for an even more enjoyable season of water gardening ahead!
Log onto our image gallery at www.acornponds.com/gallery for more photos to inspire you as you dream and plan new features for your water garden.
Have Your New Water Feature Or Backyard Pond Professionally Installed By Acorn Ponds & Waterfalls Of Rochester New York (NY)
Some Helpful Blogs:
NY|Pleasures Of Koi Fish In Rochester|New York|Near Me
Koi and other pond fish make great outdoor pets … even learning to eat right out of your hand, if you’re patient! When you have a water garden of your very own, you’ll grow to love your fish as much as you love your cat or dog!
An Eskimo Kiss is shared over a trickle of koi food koi pellets. Fido might look like he’s snarling, but he actually adores the koi fish and watches over them every chance he gets. Learn more about feeding koi. |
Butterfly koi seem to lack some of the body size of regular koi, but the overall fish can run as long as 36 to 40 inches in the right pond with plenty of food. They are graceful and pleasant to watch swim. |
You simply can’t ignore this koi fish face! He may look like a Grumpus-Ala-Bumpus, but this Japanese koi is actually quite pleased with his pond |
The Joy Of Baby Koi
When koi and goldfish spawn, they produce thousands of eggs but very few actually survive and grow up into baby fish. Koi are egg “scatterers,” meaning they generally deposit their eggs on the bottom of the pond or in plants.
After a couple months the babies are about an inch long and may start eating commercial food. In order to “bulk” them up, look for a food that has high protein content. Depending on the pellet size, it may be necessary to crush them in order for the babies to eat the food.
By the end of summer you’ll have to decide whether to bring the babies inside or let them over-winter in the pond. If you decide to let them over-winter outside, they may or may not survive because they don’t have enough fat reserve to tide them over.
If you decide to bring them in, make sure you have a large enough tank with adequate filtration because they will continue to grow inside.
Another thing to remember is that if your pond babies continue to survive year after year, sooner or later they are going to get big and could overcrowd your pond. If you plan on keeping some of the babies, understand that eventually you may have to get rid of (cull) some of them.
Watching the baby fish grow up is fun and the whole process is a great learning experience for kids and adults, alike.
How many koi fish do you have in your water garden, and have you named them?
If You Need Help Or Have Any Pond Maintenance Questions, Call Acorn Ponds & Waterfalls In Rochester (NY) 585-442-6373
Some Helpful Pond Links:
5 Tips For Feeding Pond Fish|How Much Food Should I Give My Koi|Rochester|NY|New York|Near Me
Don’t worry too much about this; just sprinkle a little food in the pond and move back. After a few minutes, they will take an interest and eat.
1. Be Consistent
2. Serve High Quality Food
3. Variety is the Spice of Life
4. The Five Minute Rule
Remember, however, that larger fish need more food than small ones, so they may take a look at your plants for a snack. Not to mention the fact that if you are not feeding your fish, you are missing out on another whole level of fun that your pond has to offer.
5. Choosing the Best Fish Food
Fish are adapted to the consumption of others in their food chain, so fish proteins are the best for fish. When you look at a bag of food and the first ingredient is wheat, is that the best choice for your fish? No, wheat protein is not equal to fish protein so keep looking. You should look for fish or other aquaculture proteins as the first ingredient in a decent diet for your koi and goldfish
If You Need Help Or Have Any Pond Maintenance Questions, Call Acorn Ponds & Waterfalls In Rochester (NY) 585-442-6373
Helpful Pond Info Links:
How To Add Fish To A Pond|Pond Clean-out|New Fish|Koi|Goldfish|Rochester|New York|NY|Near Me
During Shipment, Fish Are Under Extreme Stress. It Is Very Important To Follow These Instructions Closely.
If the pond fish are purchased locally and not transported for a long period of time, you can help acclimatize the fish after floating by opening the bag and adding approximately 20% pond water by volume.
We also recommend adding Aquascape Pond Detoxifier to the water contained in the bag as well as to the pond itself. Pond Detoxifier will neutralize any ammonia produced by the fish during transport, regenerate damage to the mucus membrane caused by netting, and reduce stress during acclimatization.
Be careful not to leave the fish in the open bag for too long as available oxygen will quickly be consumed. If you have an air pump you can also drop a small air stone into the open bag to ensure proper oxygenation.
After approximately 30 minutes, your fish are ready to be introduced to their new home. Scoop the fish out of the bag using a soft mesh net and release them into your pond. Discard the remaining water.
Never just dump the fish from the bag into the water. This will cause extreme stress and can even cause death if the difference in water temperature and chemistry is extreme.
The fish will probably head for the bottom of the pond and stay there until they become familiar with their new surroundings. Don't be alarmed as this is quite normal.
Fish should be fed on the 2nd or 3rd day after introduction.
Build & Maintain Your Fish (KOI) Pond With Acorn Ponds & Waterfalls – Call Today! 585-442-6373
Other Helpful Pond Info Links:
Do Koi & Pond Fish Sleep?|KOI Fish Habits|Rochester|New York|NY|Near Me
Fish Actually Sleep
They Sometimes Get Stressed Out
They Have Teeth, My Dear
Boy Or Girl?
Hear, Hear!
If You Need Help Or Have Any Pond Maintenance Questions, Call Acorn Ponds & Waterfalls In Rochester (NY) 585-442-6373
Some Helpful Pond Info Links:
What To Do When Your Fish Pond Freezes Over|Rochester|NY|New York|Near Me
If You Need Help Or Have Any Pond Maintenance Questions, Call Acorn Ponds & Waterfalls In Rochester (NY) 585-442-6373
Helpful Pond Info Links:
How To Protect Pond Fish And Koi From Heron|Rochester|NY|New York|near me
Heron, Stalking A Pond
The floating Alligator is just convincing enough to keep the Heron from swooping in on your oasis. Just be sure to keep the head and body exposed and free from tangling in your plants. These options toward him all offer varying levels of success for every water garden hobbyist.
Pond Predators In Rochester NY
Pond Plants Are Also A Great Measure Against Attacks
For example the lily will show great pad size around this time of year, keeping a healthy cover over your friends. Grasses give extensive root systems for fish to hide in and will give a healthy appearance well into the fall season. Remember, keeping your fish friends happy and healthy is easy with some creativity and a few spare moments. |

The water will turn on for a couple of seconds and is usually enough to annoy whatever predator may be present. Our clients have had great success with this device in the past!
The Scarecrow doesn’t distinguish between predator or human, so you can watch your friends, family, and even us if we are maintaining your pond get shot by a stream of water! Funny!)
If You Need Help Or Have Any Pond Maintenance Questions, Call Acorn Ponds & Waterfalls In Rochester (NY) 585-442-6373
Some Helpful Pond Info Links:
When To Stop Feeding Pond Fish & Koi| Rochester NY
You've enjoyed the summer relaxing next to your Rochester NY water garden and now the time has come when the leaves start littering the ground and our ponds.
The nets are also going over the ponds, but your fish are still swimming around and there is still time to enjoy your pond. So, the most popular question I receive this time of year is: What is my fall fish feeding protocol and when should I stop feeding them?
Even though it's fall and the temperatures are falling a well balanced diet is still important for your fish. When pond temperatures fall below 60-degrees, your fishes’ metabolism and digestive system begins to slow down, which inhibits the ability to digest protein effectively. Investing in a pond thermometer will help you determine when to change the eating regimen of your beloved finned friends.
Aquascape Premium Cold Water Fish Food has been scientifically formulated to provide quality nutrition to all pond fish, including goldfish and koi. The inclusion of spirulina and wheat germ helps make the food easier to digest at colder water temperatures. Feeding your fish the proper food will help ensure your fish survive their winter slumber.
So in conclusion you should still be feeding your fish, but feeding a well balance fall formulated food once the water temperatures reach 60-degrees. We recommend you stop feeding all together, once water temperatures reach 50-degrees.
If You Need Help Or Have Any Pond Maintenance Questions, Call Acorn Ponds & Waterfalls In Rochester (NY) 585-442-6373
Some Helpful Pond Links:
Landscape Designer / Pond Contractor, Tom Warmerdam has been designing, installing & maintaining koi ponds, water features, patios, landscape lighting & creating outdoor living area paradises all around Rochester, New York (NY) for over 30 years. His company Acorn Ponds & Waterfalls was awarded by Aquascape Inc. as one of the top 100 in North America in 2014. He has been attending conferences at Aquascape headquarters every year since 2004 in Chicago, Ill to maintain his Certification(Certified Aquascape Contractor) status.
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