The Key To Clean Water For Fish Ponds In The Rochester, NY AreaMaintaining Water Quality
How Many Fish Should Be In My Pond?If you have more than 10” of fish for every 100 gallons of water, you may have too many fish and should consider finding some of them a new home or building a second home for some of them. It may be time to expand, remodel, renovate or enlarge your existing backyard pond! Contact Acorn Ponds & Waterfalls for more info.
How Many Plants Should I Have?At season’s peak, you should have no more than 40% to 60% of the surface area of your pond either covered or shaded by plants. Too many plants can cause oxygen deficiencies at night due to the photosynthetic process, where the plants take in oxygen and give off carbon dioxide. What Water Treatments Should I Use?
How Do I Know If My Pump Is The Correct Size For My Pond?You should be turning over, or circulating, the entire pond’s volume a minimum of once every hour. Make sure your pump’s flow isn’t restricted by debris or trying to pump water higher than it was intended. Every pump has its flow limitations. See the side of your pump box for information. What Does It Mean If There Is A Lot Of Decaying Debris On The Bottom Of My Pond?
What Type Of Filtration Should I Have?How Often Should I Clean My Filter?
What Should My Pond's Water Temperature Be?
Acorn Ponds & Waterfalls Offering Fish Pond Installation Services & |
Looking for Fish Pond Installation Services or Landscape Design Ideas In Webster, NY? If you don't see your town below, give us a call 585.442.6373Acorn Ponds & Waterfalls Pond Installation Service Areas: Rochester, Monroe County, New York, NY Pittsford, Penfield, Brighton, Fairport, Irondequoit, Perinton, Victor, Mendon, Webster, Greece, Chili, Scottsville, Bushnell's Basin, Rush, Henrietta, North Greece, East Henrietta, West Henrietta, East Rochester, Bloomfield, West Webster, North Gates, Honeyoye Falls, Gates Chili, Bergen, Palmyra, Charlotte, Palma, North Chili, NY |
Maintain Your Fish Pond Water Quality And Call Acorn Ponds & Waterfalls In Rochester New York (NY) 585-442-6373
Right...The First Time!
Some Helpful Links
Pond Plants|Lilies|How To Get More Flowers|Tips|Rochester|NY|New York|Near Me
Aquatic Pond Plant Ideas For Rochester, NY

During the first year of planting waterlilies, the spread of the lily leaves only covers a small portion of your backyard pond.
The second year, you’ll notice there are more leaves, they are larger, and there are many flowers.
The third or fourth year, you start noticing that the leaves are a little smaller and maybe there are a few less flowers. Another sign that it’s time to divide the waterlily, is when you try to fertilize the plants but can’t because the pot it’s too crowded.
Dividing water lilies is simple and best done in the spring when the plant is coming out of dormancy and just beginning to grow – when you see the first small leaves reaching the surface. Acorn Ponds & Waterfalls can perform this task while do your spring pond cleaning service. To divide the water lily, take the pot out of the pond and dump the contents onto a sturdy work surface. |
Contact Us If You Would Like Us To Divide Your Aquatic Plants During Your Annual
Spring Pond Cleaning Service In Rochester NY!

Don’t be surprised if the potted water lily you started with yields as many as 10 or 20 more water lily plants after you’re all done.
All this cutting and dividing will be hard on the plant and the new little plantlets will take a month or so to really start growing and flowering.
If you must divide in season, a good way around a full-blown division is to just cut some of the tubers from the pot, fill the holes with soil, fertilize, and cover with rocks.
A New Home For Your Water Plants

The smaller the pot, the less space there is for the plant to grow, the less leaves and flowers you’ll see on the plant, and the sooner the plant will have to be divided and/or re-potted.
To re-pot a potted waterlily into a larger pot, remove the waterlily from the original pot, and place it into the new pot. Add enough soil to fill the pot, and fertilize according to label instructions. Cover the soil with gravel larger than the mouths of the fish in the pond to keep them from rooting in the soil.
To pot a newly-divided or bare root waterlily, first fill 2/3 of the pot up with Aquascape Aquatic Planting Media or nutrient rich topsoil. Make a hole for the water lily tuber close to the edge of the pot. Place the water lily tuber with the cut end next to the edge of the pot so the growth tip of the tuber has room to grow across the pot. Place a fertilizer tablet in front of the growth tip of each tuber. As a rule of thumb, place up to three tubers in an 8 to 10 inch pot and up to five tubers in a 16-inch pot. Water lilies should be divided after two full growing seasons or sooner if warranted. |
Keep Your Pond Looking Great With Pond Maintenance Services By Acorn Ponds & Waterfalls Of Rochester New York (NY) Call Us 585-442-6373
Acorn Ponds & Waterfalls Aquatic Pond Plant Services & Landscape
Ideas-Rochester, Monroe County, NY

Acorn Ponds & Waterfalls Water Feature Service Areas:
Rochester, Monroe County, New York, NY, Pittsford, Penfield, Brighton, Fairport, Irondequoit, Perinton, Victor, Mendon, Webster, Greece, Chili, Scottsville, Bushnell's Basin, Rush, Henrietta, North Greece, East Henrietta, West Henrietta, East Rochester, Bloomfield, West Webster, North Gates, Honeyoye Falls, Gates Chili, Parma, Palma, Charlotte, NY, Near Me
Some Helpful Links
Cleaning A Fish Pond In Rochester Monroe County NY (New York)
In Rochester, Monroe County NY, The best time to clean a fish pond is the early spring, before your water garden completely awakens from its winter dormancy – ideally before the water temperature in the pond creeps above 55º F. If a clean-out is performed when the water is warmer, after bacteria colonies form, the balance of the ecosystem will again be thrown off and your pond will go through another “green phase” before the bacteria colonies re-establish themselves again. |
When should I clean my fish pond?
Acorn Ponds & Waterfalls highly recommends that you clean your pond every spring. If there is a layer of “crud” at the bottom of the pond and the water is dark in color, it would be a good idea to do a full clean-out.
Some Related Fish Pond Info:
Acorn Ponds & Waterfalls- Offering Rochester, Monroe
County, NY-Spring Pond Cleaning Services & Landscape Design Ideas
Looking for Spring Fish Pond Cleaning Services or Landscape Design Ideas In Brighton, NY? If you don't see your town below, give us a call 585.442.6373 Acorn Ponds & Waterfalls Pond Cleaning Service Areas: Rochester, Monroe County, New York, NY Pittsford, Penfield, Brighton, Fairport, Irondequoit, Perinton, Victor, Mendon, Webster, Greece, Chili, Scottsville, Bushnell's Basin, Rush, Henrietta, North Greece, East Henrietta, West Henrietta, East Rochester, Bloomfield, West Webster, North Gates, Honeyoye Falls, Gates Chili, Bergen, Palmyra, Charlotte, Palma, North Chili, NY |
Call Acorn Ponds & Waterfalls Of Rochester New York (NY) 585-442-6373 To Clean Your Fish Pond
Landscape Designer / Pond Contractor, Tom Warmerdam has been designing, installing & maintaining koi ponds, water features, patios, landscape lighting & creating outdoor living area paradises all around Rochester, New York (NY) for over 30 years. His company Acorn Ponds & Waterfalls was awarded by Aquascape Inc. as one of the top 100 in North America in 2014. He has been attending conferences at Aquascape headquarters every year since 2004 in Chicago, Ill to maintain his Certification(Certified Aquascape Contractor) status.
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