What Happens To Fish During The Winter|Rochester|NY|New York|Near Me New pond owners in the Rochester New York (NY) area often inquire with us about the health and safety of their fish during the winter months. As long as your pond does not freeze to the bottom and an air hole is provided on the pond’s surface, your fish will survive the winter. If your pond is at least two-feet deep, the proximity of the earth to the pond’s surface will keep the pond from freezing any deeper than eight inches. That leaves 16” for the fish to lounge around and hibernate over the winter. Why Do My Fish Disappear?Your pond fish will tend to “huddle” together in the deepest and warmest part of the pond. It almost looks as though they are trying to keep each other warm. They don’t do much, they are almost hibernating, but not a full hibernation. They will begin to move if we have some warmer days. Fish are cold blooded animals so as the temperature in the pond begins to drop so does there metabolism. Which means they can’t properly digest food. How Much Do My Fish Eat During The Winter?The fish do not need to eat during this time and, in fact, shouldn’t be fed at all. You may be tempted to throw them a bite here and there but food will get lodged in their system and can kill them, so better to be on the side of caution. Even if the weather should temporarily warm up and your fish become more active, don’t give in to temptation. They won’t starve as their bodies are meant to go through a dormant winter cycle. How Can I Help Keep My Fish Healthy?In addition to their metabolism slowing down the immune system also becomes weaker due to the colder temperatures. With their immune system much weaker your pond fish are also much more susceptible to diseases during this time of year. This is why it’s so important during the fall to make sure your pond is clean and free of decaying debris such as leaves and aquatic plant die back. A dirty pond will allow many harmful bacteria to grow and harvest in the pond which could ultimately affect the health of your fish during the winter time. If You Need Help Or Have Any Pond Maintenance Questions, Call Acorn Ponds & Waterfalls In Rochester (NY) 585-442-6373
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AuthorLandscape Designer / Pond Contractor, Tom Warmerdam has been designing, installing & maintaining koi ponds, water features, patios, landscape lighting & creating outdoor living area paradises all around Rochester, New York (NY) for over 30 years. His company Acorn Ponds & Waterfalls was awarded by Aquascape Inc. as one of the top 100 in North America in 2014. He has been attending conferences at Aquascape headquarters every year since 2004 in Chicago, Ill to maintain his Certification(Certified Aquascape Contractor) status. Archives
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