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Your Pond is a Front Row Seat for the Greatest Show of All
Many people in the Monroe County & The Greater Rochester (NY) area will do all kinds of things to attract birds & butterflies to their gardens but all they have to do is add a water garden or water feature! Some people plant bushes and flowers to attract butterflies. Some people buy bird feeders. Some people install crazy contraptions to lure frogs and toads into their yards. It sounds like a whole lot of work when a simple water garden can bring the best of all worlds to your backyard.
In fact, one of the sole reasons people decide to install a water garden in their backyards is to attract wildlife. Now, that’s not to say that there are no bird feeders, coneflowers, or rock piles strategically placed around the pond, but a water garden has everything a creature can love. There is no doubt, Mother Nature’s wildlife has an undeniable appeal, and a water garden can bring them into your life. |
Determining Factors
Water garden enthusiasts and wildlife lovers can expect visits from a variety of different types of wild critters. One factor that determines the types of wildlife that visit your pond is where you live. Not just the region of North America, but also whether you live in the city of Rochester, NY or the country in Monroe County New York. Plants are another big factor. Animals are attracted by certain plants that they use for food and shelter, so the selection of perennials, trees, and shrubs you choose will also be a determining factor in who comes to visit your pond. And, of course, water – especially moving water – always attracts wildlife.
Birds That Pay You a Visit
Since we’ve already mentioned them, let’s start by checking out the birds that you’ll find hanging around your pond. Regardless of your geography or your planting preferences, you’ll attract some commonly seen birds like sparrows, blue jays, cardinals, crows, and redwing blackbirds. These feathered critters are common pond visitors. Other, more interesting species will vary from region to region. It’s even possible to see an occasional duck or two swoop into your pond, and float around like they own the place.
It’s fun to see birds search for and find just the right place by your waterfall to get a drink, and then hop into your stream for a bath as they flap their wings frantically, tossing water freely and playfully in all directions.
Unfortunately, the great blue heron (Pond Myth #1) is another possible winged visitor to make an appearance to your pond. These long-legged beauties can be a persistent threat to the fish in your pond, but there are a few things you can do to protect them – the fish, that is. Among the most popular methods is use of a Scarecrow that, when hooked up to your garden hose, senses the presence of large bodies (be they human or birdlike), and when movement is detected, pelts the offender with shots of water. Most of the time, this is enough to scare the perpetrator away.
It’s fun to see birds search for and find just the right place by your waterfall to get a drink, and then hop into your stream for a bath as they flap their wings frantically, tossing water freely and playfully in all directions.
Unfortunately, the great blue heron (Pond Myth #1) is another possible winged visitor to make an appearance to your pond. These long-legged beauties can be a persistent threat to the fish in your pond, but there are a few things you can do to protect them – the fish, that is. Among the most popular methods is use of a Scarecrow that, when hooked up to your garden hose, senses the presence of large bodies (be they human or birdlike), and when movement is detected, pelts the offender with shots of water. Most of the time, this is enough to scare the perpetrator away.
Insects - The Good And The Bad
On a much smaller scale, there are a plethora of insects that are also attracted to your water garden. Some, like mosquitoes, are unwelcome pests, while others, like dragonflies are a welcome indication that your pond ecosystem is a healthy one. Always on the hunt, dragonflies will eat vast quantities of flies, gnats, and mosquitoes, just to name a few of the insects that we humans consider pests.
There are a number of beneficial insects that live in your pond. Among them are the water boatman, back swimmer, water strider, mayfly, and many others. Some are readily visible, usually skimming along the surface of the pond. Others operate “behind the scenes” as larvae or nymphs that live in the gravel substrate of your pond. Both types dine on other insects or the plant and fish waste at the pond’s bottom. |
Fun With Frogs and Toads
One of the ways that scientists measure the general health of any ecosystem is by the number of frogs and toads it attracts. It’s probably no surprise to hear that the frog and toad population is declining dramatically, as their natural habitats are destroyed by development.
Your water garden provides a precious habitat for frogs and toads to live in and lay their eggs. So what is the benefit to you? They both eat pesky bugs, but they’re also fun to watch. And during breeding season, you’ll hear the chorus of mating calls, each unique to a specific species.
Your water garden provides a precious habitat for frogs and toads to live in and lay their eggs. So what is the benefit to you? They both eat pesky bugs, but they’re also fun to watch. And during breeding season, you’ll hear the chorus of mating calls, each unique to a specific species.
Raccoons(Pond Myth #1), considered a pond enemy by most water gardeners, could pay an occasional nocturnal visit to your pond and, unfortunately, if given the opportunity, they will try to dine on your fish. Luckily, they prefer to avoid swimming if possible and do their fishing by swiping their little paws into the water at the pond’s edge. Most fish learn to associate this pondside activity with the possibility of becoming a meal and quickly swim to deeper water. Building a fish cave in your pond provides your finned friends with a place to hide out of sight from raccoons.
They Go Hand in Hand
Water gardening and the love of nature go hand in hand. If you’re intrigued by the pond, you’ll likely be intrigued by Mother Nature and all the critters she’s made room for in the big garden we’ve come to know as planet Earth.
So when your pond is finally in place, and the water is spilling over the falls, get ready to see more of Mother Nature’s creation than you ever thought possible. If acorn Ponds & Waterfalls installs a backyard pond for you, the critters will come, and you’ll have a front row seat to watch it all. Lucky you! Contact us now so we can help you create the water garden you've always dreamed of.
So when your pond is finally in place, and the water is spilling over the falls, get ready to see more of Mother Nature’s creation than you ever thought possible. If acorn Ponds & Waterfalls installs a backyard pond for you, the critters will come, and you’ll have a front row seat to watch it all. Lucky you! Contact us now so we can help you create the water garden you've always dreamed of.
Acorn Ponds And Waterfalls Backyard Water Garden Pond Contractors & Waterscape or Fountainscape Services Rochester, New York (NY)
Looking for Backyard Water Garden Services or Waterscape & Fountainscape Contractors In Rochester New York (NY) Or Near Me? If you don't see your town below, give us a call
(585) 442-6373
Acorn Ponds And Waterfalls Water Garden Service Areas:
Rochester, Monroe County, New York, NY, Pittsford, Penfield, Brighton, Fairport, Irondequoit, Perinton, Victor, Mendon, Webster, Greece, Chili, Scottsville, Bushnell's Basin, Rush, Henrietta, North Greece, East Henrietta, West Henrietta, East Rochester, Bloomfield, West Webster, North Gates, Honeoye Falls, Gates Chili, North Chili, Palma, Palmyra, Charlotte, Finger Lakes, (NY), USA, Near Me
(585) 442-6373
Acorn Ponds And Waterfalls Water Garden Service Areas:
Rochester, Monroe County, New York, NY, Pittsford, Penfield, Brighton, Fairport, Irondequoit, Perinton, Victor, Mendon, Webster, Greece, Chili, Scottsville, Bushnell's Basin, Rush, Henrietta, North Greece, East Henrietta, West Henrietta, East Rochester, Bloomfield, West Webster, North Gates, Honeoye Falls, Gates Chili, North Chili, Palma, Palmyra, Charlotte, Finger Lakes, (NY), USA, Near Me
CALL TODAY! (585) 442-6373 |